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How can I compile Damascus on my own?

Clone this repository to your local. Please make sure you’ve already installed Gradle 3.0 or above and jpm.

At the root directory, run

gradle assemble

then damascus.jar will be created under /build/libs/ directory.

If you’ve already installed damascus, uninstall it first with

jpm remove damascus

Then install it with

jpm install ./damascus.jar

How can I customize Lexer and Parser of template generation?

Damascus template generator uses ANTLR4 for the DSL. This document explains how to develop Lexer / Parser for Damascus with ANTLR4.

Install ANTLR4

For Mac

brew install antlr

How to compile ANTLR file

gradle clean
gradle generateGrammarSource

It will generate the new lexer and parser from *.g4 file.

How to test if the grammar is correctly conformed?

gradle clean test

How to build language

You need to repeat try and error through the process. Here is a tip of how to iterate the process

Navigate to a directory where *.g4 is placed and compile it with

antlr4 DmscSrcLexer.g4 ; antlr4 DmscSrcParser.g4 ; javac Dms*.java

Listeners and Visitors will be generated at the same directory.

Create the target file to be compiled, say test.txt. Save including DSL tags. Say

<dmsc:root id="test" />


 <dmsc:sync id="test"> any texts here </dmsc:sync>

Confirm the lexer / parser correctly compile the target file with the following command,

grun DmscSrc document -tokens test.txt

The file should be the root element in the *.g4. So please replace it appropriately to your environment if you want to change the grammar for your requirements.

How to debug Lexer / Parser

Eclipse’s ANTLR plugin works great. Here is the how to use ANTLR plugin with Eclipse Oxygen (the latest version of Eclipse as of now). With the plugin, check Parser / Lexer process the target files correctly, then you may want to create unit tests against the generated lexer and parser later for your efficiency of debugging.

Install ANTLR plugin

  1. On the Eclipse, navigate to Help -> Eclipse Market place and search “Antlr”. Install ANTLR 4 IDE 0.3.6 (choose the latest version when you install them)
  2. It’ll take a while and restart Eclipse.
  3. Navigate to Window -> Show view -> others -> ANTLR 4
  4. Select both Parse Tree and Syntax Diagram
  5. Open Parse Tree
  6. Open your parser file, DmscSrcParser.g4
  7. Double click file rule, then paste text to be parsed in the left pane, DmscSrcParser::file. The parsed block diagram will be displayed on the right pane

When you modify Lexer

When you modify Lexer, sometimes ANTLR plugin doesn’t recognize the change correctly. Then please try steps below.


gradle generateGrammarSource
gradle eclipse

to regenerate parser and lexer, then regenerate eclipse project file.

If it still doesn’t solve the issue, run

antlr4 DmscSrcLexer.g4 ; antlr4 DmscSrcParser.g4 ; javac Dms*.java

at *.g4 directory (damascus/src/main/antlr)

Copy generated *.tokens and *.interp files into the /damascus/src/main/java/com/liferay/damascus/antlr/template directory.

Then run

gradle eclipse

then click file rule in the DmscSrcParser.g4 to see if the plugin reload the file. You may want to restart Eclipse too.

IDE settings

Damascus is including lombok library, so you need to configure annotations of lombok to be properly working and compiled on IDEs. Here are how to apply lombok to Eclipse / IntelliJ


  1. Download lombok
  2. double click lombok.jar and select the directory where eclipse.exe exist
  3. Run gradle eclipse at the project directory and restart IDE, and right click on the project and display context menu, and choose gradle > Refresh gradle project
  4. Java files will be displayed properly without errors.


  1. Preferences - Plugins and search Lombok. Install the Lombok plugin.
  2. Preferences - Build, Execution, Deployment - Compiler - Annotation Processors and check Enable annotation processing

Bug reports / Enhancement requests

In terms of bugs, please post Github issues or send me a PR. In terms of a Enhancement request, please post a issue. Contribution is always welcome!

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