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How can I modify CRUD implementation?

Here is the key touch points to customize CRUD implementation.


* are controllers of MVC pattern. All requests goes into these classes first and call *LocalService to store data into database.

Key classes and methods

Class Method name details
*CrudMVCActionCommand doProcessAction Entry point of HTTP requests at server side


According to Liferay best practices, all methods related to model manipulation are found in * In most cases, you manipulate data via Models in these services and don’t directly touch the database.

Key classes and methods

Class Method name details
*LocalServiceImpl addEntryResources Adding permissions to the entity
*LocalServiceImpl addEntry Creating a new entity and store the record into database
*LocalServiceImpl deleteEntry Deleting a entry and remove the record into database
*LocalServiceImpl updateEntry Updating a entry and update the record in database
*LocalServiceImpl moveEntryToTrash Move an entity into trash
*LocalServiceImpl restoreEntryFromTrash Restore an entity from trash
*LocalServiceImpl completeWorkflowTaskAtOnce Complete workflow at once, whereas general workflow is separated as assignment, complete actions.

Please see * for more details. If you modify the signature of methods or add new methods, you will need to run gradle buildService to regenerate interfaces.

How can I add pages?

Basically, once the bundles are generated, you can add pages as you want according to the basic Liferay portlet mechanism. * is for rendering view.jsp. This is called when a portlet is displayed.

Key classes and methods

Class Method name details
*ViewMVCRenderCommand render Rendering view.jsp

* is called at view / delete / update / create a record and * are for rendering after the each action. edit.jsp and view.jsp will be rendered according to the actions.


if (cmd.equals(Constants.ADD)) {
    addEntry(request, response);

} else if (cmd.equals(Constants.UPDATE)) {
    updateEntry(request, response);

} else if (cmd.equals(Constants.DELETE)) {
    deleteEntry(request, response, false);

} else if (cmd.equals(Constants.MOVE_TO_TRASH)) {
    deleteEntry(request, response, true);

How can I implement validations?

All validations are found in * The Validations need to be implemented manually because the requirements for validations are different depending on customers. Only basic validations are generated, so please customize them according to your requirements.


    protected void validateTitle(String field) {
        //TODO : This validation needs to be implemented. Add error message key into _errors when an error occurs.
        if (!StringUtils.isNotEmpty(field)) {

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